Use "corporatize|corporatized|corporatizes|corporatizing" in a sentence

1. This present menace comes from the government and its army of Bureaucratized, corporatized, militarized …

2. Commodification burdens poor people's health in many ways, and the adverse impacts of corporatized health care have spread throughout the world

3. Blockbuster consolidated, scaled and corporatized much of the video rental world that started as a cottage industry, an organic experiment run by mom and pops

4. In place of a globally integrated, "corporatized" economy based on high technology, the neo-Luddites offer a vision of mandatory, small-scale, economically self-sufficient Autarkies inspired by traditional and indigenous cultures.

5. This present menace comes from the government and its army of Bureaucratized, corporatized, militarized mercenaries who are waging war on the last stronghold left to us as a free people: the sanctity of our homes.